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Personal GPS Tracker – Start here


Thank you for purchasing the EV07s Personal GPS Tracker. We’ve included the most relevant information below to get you tracking as quickly as possible.

Locàite smartphone app – getting started

Our aim is to make it as easy as possible to own and use a Personal GPS tracker. Just follow the quick steps below and you’ll be tracking in no time.

Use the Locàite app

Càite SIM Plans

Personal GPS Trackers require a mobile SIM card to allow you to talk with the wearer, and for it to send location updates to you. 

Read about the benefits of choosing a Càite SIM Plan below.

Càite SIM Plan

Personal GPS Tracker operation

Everything you need to know about the operation of your Personal GPS Tracker is available by clicking the link below. You’ll also see this link on most help pages within the Locàite app.

   Tracker help


All the alarms that your Tracker can give are described in detail – just click the link below.

EVO7s alarms

Locàite app ‘How to’ guides

There’s plenty of in-app help to guide you through using the Locàite app. Our most commonly asked questions are also answered here.

‘How to’ guides

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