/ ləʊkatjə / ; [neologism]
1. tracking application
2. to know where
3. to locate
Register …
Thank you for choosing Locàite. The easiest way to register is via the Locàite app. You can also register via the web.
1) Download and install Locàite
Click on the App Store or Google Play badge below to download and install Locàite. Please Allow notifications after opening the app for the first time.
2) Register in app
Click New Customers to create a new account, register and activate your new Tracker in a few easy steps. Enter the one-time Tracker Activation Code supplied with your Tracker when asked and follow the on screen prompts verify your email address and then to set up a Càite SIM Plan.
OR register via web
You can also click here to register via Locàite web. You’ll be able to use the Locàite app at any time simply by clicking ‘Log in with email’.